livorno - colliesinitaly

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13-3-2022  IDS LIVORNO - S.E.& O.
Giudice: Gianni Fulgenzi
BOB + 1 BOG- Gaia Earth Goddess Of The Windy Lands

Campioni Maschi
1 EX CACIB BOS  Skabona Extra Player Man: Tricolore - Nato: 04/Feb/2018 - Roi/Rsr: Lo18134408 - Chip: 968000010732551 P: Skabona Classic Code Ch No Uch - M: Chelhaven Playing Around Chelborn Ch Lt No C.I.B. Uch All: Skalin Natalja & Bo - Prop: Rota Alessandra
Giovani Maschi
1 EX JCAC - Shirawood Eyes Talk Man: Tricolore - Nato: 14/Feb/2021 - Roi/Rsr: Lo2175357 - Chip: 380260171509018 P: Skabona Extra Player - M: Gaia Earth Goddess Of The Windy Lands All: Celestini Alberto - Prop: Soletti Tiziana
2 EX - Shirawood Enchanting Feeling Man: Tricolore - Nato: 14/Feb/2021 - Roi/Rsr: Lo2175358 - Chip: 380260171509017 P: Skabona Extra Player - M: Gaia Earth Goddess Of The Windy Lands All: Celestini Alberto - Prop: Ronca Francesco
3 EX -  Celtic Ray Is Bydanding Man: Fulvo (Zibellino) - Nato: 18/Gen/2021 - Roi/Rsr: Lo2150993 - Chip: 380260160165879 P: Amalie Fly With Bydanding - M: Mopava Madama Doree' Gold All: Zavattaro Patrizia - Prop: Fontanelli Marco  
Juniores Maschi
1 VP - Zuperstar Di Cambiano Man: Fulvo (Zibellino) - Nato: 02/Lug/2021 - Roi/Rsr:LO21161886 - Chip: 380260101911854P: Esagerato Di Cambiano - M: New Wave Di Cambiano All: Garabelli Maria Teresa - Prop:Garabelli Maria Teresa
Campioni Femmine
1 EX CACIB BOB + 1° BOG - Gaia Earth Goddess Of The Windy Lands Man: Fulvo Carbonato - Nato: 09/Nov/2017 - Roi/Rsr: Lo18106746 - Chip: 705100000091446 P: Skabona Oriental Style - M: Black Swan Of The Windy Lands All: Furlan Mojca - Prop: Celestini Alberto
Libera Femmine
1 EX CAC R-CACIB Magic Christmas Di Cambiano Man: Fulvo (Zibellino) - Nato: 25/Dic/2019 - Roi/Rsr: Lo2034541 - Chip: 380260101408832 P: Not In My Name Di Cambiano - M: Indira Von Crottorf All: Garabelli Maria Teresa - Prop: Alleati Gianluca
Intermedia Femmine
1 EX R-CAC Ginder Devil Impression Melody Man: Tricolore - Nato: 28/Ago/2020 - Roi/Rsr: Lo2170868 - Chip: 616099120032160 P: Monsolana Dream In Blue Cathyja - M: Ginder Devil Vivien Beauty Ch All: Estatova S.S. - Prop: Fontanelli Marco
Giovani Femmine
1 EX JCAC Best Youth Cora Albannach Soul Man: Fulvo (Zibellino) - Nato: 18/Gen/2021 - Roi/Rsr: Lo2150991 - Chip: 380260160166011 P: Amalie Fly With Bydanding - M: Mopava Madama Doree' Gold All: Zavattaro Patrizia - Prop: Fontanelli Marco  
Juniores Femmine
1 VP Best Junior - Shirawood Hall Of Fame Lo21170135 2021.06.27  Everybody Needs Somebody Nero Della Cambianella - Giuly`S Dreams J`Adore Le Bleu  All. & Prop. : Alberto Celestini

Libera Maschi
1 EX - Tuir Man: Blue Merle - Nato: 25/Ott/2018 - Roi/Rsr: Lo1913151 - Chip: 380260043899672 P: Future Dream - M: Adela Essentia Amicorum All: Mussi Francesca - Prop: Mussi Francesca

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