Latin Lover

Br.  Sofia Roxana - own. De Agostini




gordon classic in black dell'antica eporedia

jebern classic black of aberhill

londer black n gorgeous at aberhill

brilyn rum n black

bigglesmere's stage struck

jebern chelsea blue

kourika mantika at troydon

braefel bewitching gem at jebern

heighinglea blue fantasy

caerluath blue legend of figli del vento

castleaird storm alert of rubec

caerluath princess daisy

jeadon witchcraft of heighinglea

mybern maradonna of heighinglea

jeadon blue c anna


dangerous lady

i chagall tache d'or di villa assunta

matai gold spot

lynway sandknocker

matai flaming jenny

jolie mome gold de star light grove

 Edward de la Bergerie des 4 vents

 Honey Bee de Star Light Grove

samnium agatha cristie

dacci dentro di cambiano

matai gold spot

love potion nera di cambiano

jezebel della valle del lago

lynway saga

charlemagne chiffon at camanna




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